Our bestsellers
Book the tour to one of the most visited attractions near Krakow. Visit one of the oldest operating salt mines in the world, listed by UNESCO. We provide the highest quality service at an excellent price!
Regular tour, 3h 30 min
60 EUR per person
Other tours
Private one day tour to the one of the biggest amusement park in Europe from Krakow. Pools, rollercoasters, children’s zones and extreme sports shows await you.
Private, 8h
Price from 799 PLN
A private tour to one of the most visited attractions near Krakow. Visit one of the oldest operating salt mines in the world, listed by UNESCO.
Private, 3h 30min
Price from 350 PLN
Visit a picturesque region of Poland, with a beautiful mountainous landscape. Called the winter capital of Poland, but visited just as often in the summer!
Private, 8h
Price from 999 PLN
Did you buy the tickets by yourself and you are looking for the transfer to Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum? This tailored made service is for you.
Private, 6h 30min
157 EUR
Need a personalized tour? We’ll be happy to make you a customized offer and help you organize all the essentials so you can fully enjoy the attractions of your choice!
Just contact us!
Contact us for tailor made tour!
Book the tour to the one of the biggest amusement park in Europe from Krakow. Pools, rollercoasters, children’s zones and extreme sports shows await you.
Regular tour, 8h
92 EUR per person